Vision Boards: Realising your Ambition

Stephen Baines
4 min readMay 2, 2017

As an avid listener to the likes of Tim Ferriss, Gary Vaynerchuk and Tony Robbins, recommendations for supposed remarkable life improvement measures are hardly a rare occurrence. After all, their books, podcasts, youtube channels and seminars all focus entirely upon this.

Hats off to these guys as they are taking their time out of the day to help others to better themselves. However, the problem I find with some of the approach (not the content) is the sheer volume and an ability to keep up to date and sift through the weeds for the gems.

At the time of writing this blog, Overcast currently has around 8 Ferriss episodes, 2 Robbins and hoards of Vaynerchuk videos to listen to.

To help my audience, I felt it appropriate to hone in one of many topics which I have taken from these over the years and relay my experience. This post focuses upon a ‘year with the vision board’.

The vision purpose is a tool by which you map out all of your dreams and desires onto a board from your present day (or sometime in the past) forward.

Now the value in the vision board is not exactly where you would think it be. Naturally the vision board acts as a daily reminder of your goals and ambitions. This purpose is only a small part of the exercise though. Sitting and thinking of your real ambitions, goals and motivations is where the value sits. You will begin to recognise what you REALLY want. The constant visualisation of these is where the magic begins to happen. Your brain will begin to identify opportunities which drive towards achieving these outputs

Lets look at a year with my vision board. I back-dated my vision board a number of years as to balance past achievement with future endeavours. I created the vision board back in March 2016. Since, and quite remarkably the following has happened:

  • Beagle: We acquired a Beagle puppy — My all-time desired pet… the strange part is he is the exact same colour as the vision board picture
  • Tesla: We purchased a Tesla Model S — A personal want for sometime… the strange part is the initial car I looked at was a Red Model S as in the picture
  • Salesforce: I joined Salesforce (rather quickly) after (rather quickly) been given the opportunity to leave HPE. One of the best decisions of my life so far!
  • Iceland: Plans are afoot to travel to Iceland in November
  • Thailand: We had the opportunity to travel to Thailand but opted for an early break instead
  • Start-Up: We have successfully started a business with my Wife as owner and Chief
  • Financial Freedom: Investment strategies and opportunities are making themselves more apparent
  • Moved House: At quite short notice, we finalised a sale and move to our longer-term future home

Now the above may not seem like much to some. Prior to this exercise, I look back and recognise that my life was too focused… maybe pursuing a couple of opportunities at any one time and not seeing the deeper underlying opportunities. For example:

  • Beagle: Chance visit after a Tony Robbins seminar to see someones Beagle Pup
  • Tesla: ~£5–10k off a Tesla Model S brand new and <2 month delivery
  • Start-Up: A wedding gift leading to the idea for the family business start-up
  • Financial Freedom: A decision to leave HPE forming the foundation of multiple (so far) sound investments
  • Dream Home: Chance viewing on a ‘dream house’

Some may call them serendipitous events.

I look at them slightly differently.

Say you are buying a new car. Once you decide on the car you want your brain recognises this vehicle more and more. You will notice many more of this type of this vehicle. Over the years it has happened with every car I have purchased (even with the limited in existence Tesla)

Call to Action: Take a couple of hours out and create your own vision board. First think about the goals you want to set and begin searching for and printing images. Commence sticking them in order of priority, difficulty or timeframe…. then you have your vision board!

Good Luck!

About Stephen

Follow me on LinkedIn, Twitter (@_Baines & @BeTranquilLed), Instagram (@BeTranquilLed) and Facebook where I regularly post insights relating to Health, Mindset and Mindfulness. Note that all views are my own

Read more about Stephen and Tranquil Led through Stephen’s social channels and join our Life & Mindset Mastery Mastermind where these principles are put into practice.



Stephen Baines
Stephen Baines

Written by Stephen Baines

Founder at Stephen Baines Coaching & Mindfulness Evangelist at Salesforce.

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