Remote Working Tips in the midst of a VUCA World
Covid-19. A pandemic that is demonstrating the full-force of our VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) World.
Stock markets have plummeted, supplies are stretched, events are been canceled, travel bans are in-place. One thing for certain during these times is that our work patterns have changed. At least for the short-term.
Many corporations have instilled mandatory ‘work from home’ arrangements whilst others have banned any international travel. For many, this is unexplored territory. So how can you get the most out of your remote working experience?
In almost my entire 13-year career, I have experienced a blend of working from home, my companies offices or my client’s offices. All incorporating some form of remote working. Here are some of my tips on getting the best from remote working
But first, a brief view of What Remote Working is NOT… it is NOT an opportunity to bunk-off, do less or change pre-arranged habits (i.e. childcare). As you are not face-to-face, you are not easily visible. It could be easy to disappear. You need to remember you still have responsibilities and likely lots of things to do. Just because you aren’t in-person doesn’t mean those things disappear.
So what is Remote Working? Remote working is…
- an opportunity to quite frankly get stuff done without (many) distractions. In the office, you are around people and with that comes social interactions, conversations, requests. Working from afar limits those potential distractions.
- an opportunity to create more work-life balance. How much time do you spend commuting? Also, consider that breaks spent with colleagues may now be spent looking after yourself. You know that lunch-time run you’ve always fancied… well, you can give it a go!
- an opportunity to connect with your team in different ways. Tools to enable remote working have grown rapidly over the years. Your team may not have trialed them because of the joy of face-to-face, yet remote working also creates supercool dynamics
Remote working can be great but can also be a challenge for those of you who thrive on interaction or who become easily distracted. Here are my tips:
- Create a Dedicated Space: Both my wife and I have our own separate offices with everything we need in them. Creating the space means you ave a separation between work-and-home still.
- Follow a ‘Go-To-Work’ Ritual: Don’t just turn up at your laptop in your nightwear. Get dressed as you would to go in the office. This helps the mental realisation of ‘at-work’ vs ‘at-home’.
- Video Conference - Every Time: Even if you are the only one, stick your webcam on. Chances are, others will follow. It is much better to see people in-person than just a voice at the end of the line.
- Take Breaks: Just as you would in the office, take regular breaks. This doesn’t mean you put your feet-up and watch TV. Go for a short walk. Get some fresh air. Grab a coffee. This is important to ensure you don’t become bogged down in front of a screen all-day.
- Mix-Up the Environment: Do you have a local coffee shop you could go to? Spend half-a-day a week there. Maybe consider taking calls whilst you are out walking. A change in environment may brighten your mood
- Healthy Eating: Make sure you have nutritious foods in the fridge for lunch and enjoy the time making it. Use this as an opportunity to know exactly what you are eating
- Schedule Team Social Time: My team has weekly calls where one in every two is just pure social time. No agenda, just talk about random things and have a laugh. These help to maintain a connection
- Pre-Schedule Wellness Time: Whether you like to walk, run or meditate, take the opportunity to build some of this into your day. It can be hard-going working long slogs on call-after-call and so pre-schedule time FOR YOU
I hope these tips help. Please follow me on Twitter at _baines and follow me on LinkedIn where I regularly post on related topics