“I’m in the 1 percent. How do I show everyone that I worked hard for it?”
Reading my daily Quora digest, this question appeared that I felt compelled to answer (response here) and then bring to light in my blog
To put simply, there is much more to life than a bank balance, car they drive, house they own or even the general way of life.
I outline in the response that a typical answer would be to go out and buy a flash car, wear the Rolex, invest in an exemplary property or even a portfolio, own the latest gadgets, buy top designer clothes, eat in the most established restaurants, vacation in the most exotic locations… etc!
The Quora question rather irked me. I get that people have an insatiable desire to impress others. To feel wanted. To connect. Whether that is through a demonstration of the (as the title suggests) work they do or simply a need to be better than others.
But really… do other people care?
The main reason that this question got to me is the questions I get asked when I attend career open days for young adults (ages 16–18):
- “do you earn a lot of money?”
- “do you get a big bonus?”
- “what car do you drive?”
I remember when I was aged 16 I did not really know what I wanted to do. But I was 100% certain that whatever pathway I followed I would give it 100% and anything I achieved was a matter of the work that I put in. With the support of my parents.
What I also knew is that one day, when I was stable and had insight to share, I would do so with those in the same position where I once was. A 16 to 18 year old who is not necessarily sure where they want to go or what they want to do.
So when and where does validation from others come into the equation here? IT DOESN’T!
- Why do people feel that they need to showcase themselves to others?
- Why is there a perception that people really care about your wealth?
- What kind of impact is this approach having on our youth of today?
- Is there more to life than demonstrating the cool things you have?
The answer to all of this is that unfortunately, many people do not really care. Yes, they may look at your Ferrari and admire you cool suit.
But what I KNOW really matters is the positive influence you have on others
So instead of focusing on what you can do to impress people, take some time out with a neighbour youth. The future of the Country. The World. Create a positive train of thought in their mind.
TELL THEM (rather than show them) about the hard work you put in and how they can do the same.
Encourage them to challenge themselves and become a person whom can help others to achieve what they may never have.
Make a difference!
Be a leader from within