#IfIWere22: Dream Big, Build a Vision, Work Hard and Fly Solo!
Looking back, I made a number of choices in my life which have impacted upon where I am today. Some have helped, others have hindered. Others will continue to help and hinder:
1. I Never Dreamt Big: When I was younger I wanted to be Train Driver. Simply because I liked trains. I did not aspire to be in Business. Or be a Millionaire. I just wanted to be happy and do what I liked.
2. I Never Had a Vision: Throughout my late teens, I followed rather than led. I attended University because ‘I had to’. I moved away from my friends and family because ‘I had to’. I studied Computing Science because it was the big boom at the time. All this was never aligned to a future that I wanted. It was semi-created for me. Until deciding to start an MBA… then things changed!
3. I Never Truly Challenged Myself: In my early Undergrad days, I coasted. I did not join any societies or clubs. I did not focus 100% on my assignments either. I played a lot of PS2 and socialised a lot with friends. I performed well, but could have performed better had I actually applied myself. I rarely looked outside the box. Until my Placement year anyway!
4. I Travelled Sparingly: Every year from when I was 17 I travelled with friends for the ‘lads holidays’. But this was it. Two weeks in some Greek or Spanish party towns. I had a desire to travel the World with a friend. We spoke about it. But we got jobs. It is hard to turn your back on the money once you have it!
5. I followed ‘The Status Quo’: I did what the norm was. I focused on school. Had fun with friends. Did my A-Levels. Moved to University. Moved into the Corporate World. I was a sheep. Not a shepherd. I followed the status quo. Until finishing my MBA… now doors are open!
So my advice to those who are not only 22, but anyone looking for their next step in their career or life is:
1. Define a Purpose/Vision: Think about it… REALLY think about it. What do you want to be known for? Where do you want to be in 10 years? 20 years? 30 years? How do you want to make a difference in the World? Think about what will throw you out of your comfort zone. You will get there
2. Do Something Different: Do you think that Corporate Job is the best option? How does spending the early years of your ‘graduate career’ pushing papers sound? Look around and ask yourself if the most successful people in the World today got to where they are by doing what everyone else was doing at the time. Think outside the box. Tread the path least trodden.
3. Start a Business: How can you make something that exists better than it already is? Flying solo, regardless how big-or-small a venture presents challenges which you will NEVER face anywhere else. You are not only responsible for buttering your own bread… you are responsible for growing your own yeast and milking your own cow! Embrace the culture. Learn from it. Do not default to the easy route out.
4. Explore: Where would you most like to visit? Are there any experiences which would fulfil an aspect of your life? Visit as many countries as possible before you decide to settle. Do not be constrained by friends or family. Family can visit. You can make new friends. Find the place where YOU want to be. Not where others want you to be. Then give it 110% to make it work.
5. Never Stop Learning: When did you last pick up a non-fiction book? You need to read regularly. The younger you are, the more sponge-like your brain is. Use it your advantage. Hone your skills to learn quicker. Speed reading. Always ask questions, regardless how stupid they may seem. Never be completely sure of yourself and ALWAYS challenge your thinking.
About Stephen
Stephen Baines is a Senior Management Consultant and MBA currently working for Hewlett-Packard Enterprise and pursuing a number of external entrepreneurial ventures. The views within this post are explicitly those of Stephen and have no representation of any organisation Stephen represents. If you wish to contact Stephen, please contact him via LinkedIn or his Twitter handle (@baines1986).
Read more about Stephen at Stephen’s personal website
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#IfIWere22 #Mentoring #CareerManagement #Leadership