6 Steps to Create a Mindset for Success

Stephen Baines
7 min readJan 27, 2021

A winners mindset is a fundamental factor in achieving success in our life, in business or even in our relationships. This mindset is not created by chance and requires a lot of nurturing. It does though, serve as a foundation of success, conscious growth, wealth, and prosperity. A positive mindset can be the difference between smashing our goals and seeing them fall by the wayside.

In this blog, I have outlined some information that I have found useful in transitioning my mindset to one which helps me succeed in achieving my goals

Your mindset is who you are. It is composed of your beliefs, attitudes, feelings, and thoughts. Mindset is a simple idea that creates all the differences. It creates productivity and motivation in sports, business, education, relationships and more. With a strong mindset, you can do almost anything. With the right outlook, you change your thinking to one of “what is the plan?” rather than “can I do this?”

A winners mindset plays into the grounds of positive psychology. The human brain is a massively complex organ which after decades of depth study still raises a lot of question marks. One key one been about how consciousness (i.e. thoughts, feelings etc) are formed. What we do know though is that chemicals within the brain can help or hinder us in our journeys. Chemicals like Dopamine can help to give us a ‘rush’ which drive motivation. The likes of Dopamine are quite key to this positive mindset piece.

In these next two sections, we will explore steps to forging a winners mindset before explore more how can better look after our bodies to create a seamless connection between body and kind


So, how you begin to shape a Winner’s Mindset? Here are 5 focus areas followed by an all-important focus on the body

You have to believe that you can do anything. I really do mean anything as well. You have to trust in your skills, knowledge, and capability when dealing with the challenges that you will face. With the right preparation and the right mindset, results will come

2. Make a Plan and Create a Strategy

Part of having a winners mindset is to create a plan that will serve as your guide towards your goals. Having the right strategy can make such goals easier to achieve. Most of the time, it requires an appropriate set of behaviours and a vision for the future. Without a holistic and flexible strategy, you are more likely to fall short in achieving what you want to achieve in your life.

Personally, I find the plan helps in that continued release of Dopamine as structured in the right way, you can set yourself up for frequent success. This is done by breaking the goals down into small achievable chunks. So rather than having one grand vision and goal which will take years to achieve, milestones along the way create small boosts of a winning mentality.

3. Identify Your Strengths and Weaknesses

People who have the mindset of a winner are those who know how to use their skills and strengths to give them the will to win and enforce a positive attitude. They are also not afraid to fail and never give up.

This is quite key. There are A LOT of things that you can do very well. But there also a lot of things that you won’t do so well. A personal story here is my goal to run the World Marathon Majors. I could do this myself. I would build a rough plan, train and so on all by myself. But it has been the team around that made the difference. Two stand out:

- My sports masseur helped to give my leg muscles regular refreshers and get rid of the knots

- My personal trainer helped to correct some of the imbalances and build-up my core strength

The whole year before Berlin and Chicago Marathons were injury free!

4. Practice Self-Awareness

Top-performing people are aware of the things that they have, the ones that can motivate and help them achieve their goals. Being aware of the things that they are good at can provide them with a competitive edge over their competitors. They also know how to manage such things in order to prevent them from becoming their weaknesses.

Mindfulness is a very strong practice. What got me into mindfulness a decade and more ago was the continued hearing about it from leading professionals on the likes of the Tim Ferriss show. Personally, meditation has been a cornerstone to my mindset today. It is as simple as downloading (my recommendation) the Sam Harris Waking Up App.

5. Be Brave Enough to Face Your Challenges

If you really wanted to win, you need to be brave enough to face your fears and challenges. You have to be ready to fight and take “No” for an answer. If you want help, never be afraid to ask for it especially when such help can greatly increase your chances of accomplishing your goals.

Over the last twelve months, I have learned a lot on mindset through the Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within events. The wisdom and experience he imparts around things like incantations and a positive mindset are groundbreaking. Or at least have been for me. One of the key messages I take away is about embracing the challenges and setbacks as learning opportunities. Things to improve us

One of the keys to having a happier living and a healthy lifestyle is to know how to take care of your body. Whatever task you want to accomplish or any goal that you want to achieve can be done easily if you are physically, mentally and emotionally healthy.

Your body and your mind are connected with each other. If you are living an unhealthy lifestyle, you are more likely to make unhealthy choices. Likewise, being active can help in improving your moods and lessen your chances of suffering from depression.


The previous section focused on the mind, yet the body is equally if not more important than the mind. As Tony often highlights, energy is a key part of creating a winning mindset. This is where the body-mind connection comes into play

The following are some tips on how to can take care of your body to create the attention and focus you need:

Choosing fresh fruits and vegetables as well as lean meat and poultry are naturally much better than eating junk foods, carbonated drinks, and fast foods. By eating healthy, you will receive the nutrients, vitamins, and energy that you need to combat the stress brought by a day’s work. As part of your effort to eat healthily, you should not forget to drink plenty of water to keep you hydrated and to remove toxins from your body. Over these last few weeks, I have visible noted how my mood changes depending on what I eat. Naturally, junk food is OUT for me!!

No matter how busy your schedule is, it is important that you take a break from the things that create stress within your day. You should find time to clear your mind and relax. Time to look after yourself. Whenever you’re at work, taking a break-even for just a few minutes can make a big difference in the way you respond to and handle your stressors.

Exercising allows you to refresh and rejuvenate yourself. Exercising does not mean that you have to spend hours in the gym. There are certain activities that can help you become fit while still having fun. Typically, 30 minutes per day should be the target and it does not necessarily have to be all in one go. Personally, I find exercise to be a core foundation of my own mindset. Running helps me to focus and create the space to think and de-stress.

4. Get Enough Rest and Sleep

Sleep is fundamental to not only peak performance but survival. It allows you to regain the energy that you have lost during the whole day’s work whilst also giving your brain an opportunity to forge appropriate memories and recharge. Having enough sleep and rest also have an impact on your ability to function well, on your mood, and on your metabolism.

The last body focus should be a given to all of you. Good hygiene. Practising good hygiene is another way to take care of your body. This will prevent you from experiencing different kinds of diseases. Good hygiene means that you are healthy inside and out. You need to take a bath regularly, clean your teeth, trim your nails, put on clean clothes, and more.

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Originally published at https://www.tranquilled.com on January 27, 2021.



Stephen Baines

Founder at Stephen Baines Coaching & Mindfulness Evangelist at Salesforce.